Participation in Faraday Discussion, Dense ionic fluids, London, UK.

Participation in Faraday Discussion, Dense ionic fluids, London, UK.

  • K. Ueno, “Linear ether-based highly concentrated electrolytes for Li-sulfur batteries” (Oral)
  • T. Sudoh, “Suppression of crystallization in Li salt with slight polymers: application for single Li ion conducting electrolytes” (Poster)

横浜国立大学大学院 理工学府 化学・生命系理工学専攻
横浜国立大学 理工学部 化学・生命系学科 化学教育プログラム


〒240-8501 神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区常盤台 79-5 横浜国立大学 化学棟3階

Soft Matter Ionics Lab. (Ueno Lab.)

Department of Chemistry and Life Science
College of Engineering Science, Yokohama National University

3F, Chemistry Building , Yokohama National University
79-5, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 240-8501 Japan

Copyright © Soft Matter Ionics Lab.